September 22, 2013


I really need to focus on my goals. I have so many of them I can't keep track of them all. I was once told that it is healthy to have 5 goals and to keep them categorized into: Mind, Body, Spiritual, Relations, and Career. Or something like that....

So here are mine

19 hours a week in class
9 hours a week on physics
4 hours a week on math
4 hours a week on O Chem
4 hours a week on programing
Study and use flash cards
Listen to more music
Be organized

Run 4 days a week
Abs and Arms 2 days a week
1500 calories a day
2 L of water a day
6 miles in an hour
Nice Shiny white teeth
fix hair

Track, Read, and Ponder the scriptures
Read Jesus the Christ
6 hours a week in class
1.5 hours of meetings
Journal and poems

Write at least 3 missionaries
contact one person from my past once a week
learn how to be diplomatic, non condescending, and have poise
Be Grateful

Go on a study abroad
Get a 3.0 + every semester
Have a great resume

September 6, 2013

September 4, 2013

The Curious Case of the Missing Animal Crackers

So, like any good mother of a college student, my mother bought me an age appropriate snack.... animal crackers.
Don't judge. I love animal crackers. They are sweet and crunchy and you can bite their heads off. Very age appropriate.
We shared the animal crackers until I decided the rest were all mine. So I hid the bag of animal crackers in my room.
I enjoyed my secret stash sparingly, knowing that one day I would have to travel back to real life at my college apartment and needing to preserve them until then.
The day came for my travel back to school and I still had my animal crackers all ready to go. I stashed them in my school backpack- knowing they would be safe from the wondering eyes and fingers of my family.

I didn't eat any of the crackers on the way home.
I didn't eat the crackers after I got home.

However, as I was walking between classes at school today, I realized -I don't have any animal crackers in my bag. Or in my apartment, or in my car, or anywhere.

So, where did my animal crackers go?

September 3, 2013

I wouldn't mind having a body like this

Green Drinks

I made a green drink today

it had
frozen banana
peanut butter
red grapes
and water

it was actually pretty good.

I have found putting things in freezer really helps. Grapes, bananas, and spinach

So I am starting a blog

I have too many blogs
I start them
and never keep them up
I have too many goals
I start some
and really do keep them up
however one has always been my nemisis
my Achilles heel
I've always wanted to be fit
but never actually done it
I've been skinny
I've been healthy
I have dieted
I have run alot
26.2 miles, twice
But here I am to tell you
That I am starting this blog
and I am starting this goal
I want to be a lean fit
fighting machine
except without the fighting
I am not going to diet
I am not going to be regimented
I am not keeping a journal
I am just going to make healthy decisions
eat right
and blogg
about all the cool things about me