November 10, 2013

Adventure of a Liver

So I have this friend called a gallbladder, or Little G for short. Well Little G has been have some troubles. Been puking up skittles sized crystals. On a scale from one to ten for pain I would say we feel about an 8 or 7.5. Well Little G has been puking up these stones about once a month. Sometimes we take pain meds, but it doesn't help in the least. So we decided to see a doctor.
You would not believe this! The doctor actually suggested that they take my friend Little G away. It is not ok in my opinion to just take one's best friend away on a whim of things. But after talking to the specialist we decided it would be for the best, for both of us.
We were incredibly nervous. Didn't sleep at all that night. There is A lucky one percent of livers, that's a me, who end up with difficult troubles after this procedure. It's called a bile leak. Now I know what bile is but I'm pretty sure that all'yall need to do some research on the topic.
Well the surgery went fine. Except who likes to be cut open and have your best friend taken away? Not many livers. And to top it off I didn't know that they blow the abdomen up with gas for the procedure and they don't (they being the doctors) remove the gas. Who likes walking around like a balloon? I can confirm that I do not. For more reason than just being afraid of defying gravity. And no as a liver I cannot stand Wicked. Well this gas moves to the shoulders and neck. Like these body parts want anything to do with this. Pain scale with ice, a 2. Pain scale no ice, a 5.
Well I and my other best buds of the body have to go back to school. It's tough work this school business. We are all shaking in our boots for this next semester, but we get on the plane. I hate TSA.
Pain scale 2.
So I fly from Tulsa to Dallas. No problem. I actually took pain meds so I felt fine, well a little dizzy. I hate meds.
Then I wait around for the flight to Honolulu. Call another bud down the line. You know, eat, argue with the free wifi, more pain meds. The usual stuff that goes on at the local airport. Then we board then plane. It's going to be a 9 hr flight. Shoot me now! Ok so I really am feeling a bit woozy.
Pain scale with meds 2.
Then about two hrs in to the flight I am trying to sleep and I begin to hurt. Pain is about a 5 and it builds rapidly to a 9. I begin to shake and everything gets fuzzy. The stewardess will not let me lay down. I am almost unconscious. I can't put two thoughts together. I hurt so bad. Someone notices my cuts because the stewardess is pulling my sweatshirt off. I manage to say I lost Little G. I don't know how people came but I was lying in the isle and there were people around me. Someone was putting ice on my face. I don't know what she looked like. There were people all around me but I don't know what they look like. I know their voices though. Pain 9.
I am so thirsty someone suggests an ice pack, I manage a yes to that. A lady at my head keeps saying she is a retired nurse. her name is MJ.
After I get the ice the pain goes down to a 5. And two men pick me up. I am not ok with this but nobody is listening to me at all. They take me to the back of the plane and put me on the floor. One of them, military, puts a needle in my arm. Whatever, but then they ask for napkins. I freak out- don't get blood anywhere that is gross. Then I start shaking. I can't stop. MJ thinks I have jaundice because I am yellow. I tell her that I have olive skin and she asks me to look at her. I do and she believes me. My Asian friends still think I'm pink though. She laughs. I still don't know what she looks like.
the plane lands, that did not register. Pain is at a 1 and I want to stand up. When I do i realize I can't.
The paramedics come. This is so embarrassing. I put all these people out. I can't believe this. I'm the stupid girl. Ugh. I ride in the ambulance. The one paramedic is nice the other basically ignores me. They wheel me into the ER. Lots of people , lots of blood coming out my arm. The kid taking my blood looks like an RM. ok, I think it's weird not to say something to the kid who is spending- no joke- ten min on your arm because I have to fill up ten viles for all the different blood test. Pain scale 1. He leaves. A mean lady comes in. She tells me to pee in a cup and to take off my clothes. She starts taking off my clothes. HEAK NO!!! I convince her I can do it myself , doesn't mean I am going to. I pee in a cup and the pain comes back. 4 then a 7. I ask for ice and I'm moaning. They give me morphine, pain scale 8. I begin crying. They take me to do different tests. I don't know or care about the tests along as I can sleep. I hurt. The lady doing the ultra sound, I feel so bad for her. I have to have a CT scan. This lady tells me what hospital I'm at. She helps me call my mom.
That night dad calls. I can't move but I manage to get the phone. The doctors say they think I'm leaking. I don't know I just hurt. I have to hang up on my dad. Pain increased from a 3 to a 9 and I begin screaming. I can't stop. I'm shaking. A nurse comes. All I say between sobs is "ice" I'm still screaming the doctor closes the door. I must be scaring the other patients The nurse brings me ice. Pain goes from a 9 to a 3. I sleep. The "sleep"'doctor comes. I can hardly stand. He takes me downstairs. They are going to put in a stent. I don't care just make the pain stop. What the HEAK are all these papers. Just fix me. I have to lay on my front. Pain increases from a 3 to a 6. I might cry again. I'm breathing hard and moaning. They put me out. I wake up I have no freaking idea where I am. They wheel me back to my room. Mom is there. She shows me pictures of myself. I still hurt. I guess I was leaking a lot of fluid and That is what hurts. Pain 2.
I am so thirsty. I haven't eaten or drank anything in 2 days. The nurse says I have to wait 4 more hours till I can have clear liquids.
Pain 2 with ice.
Pain 4 without ice. Get me ice now!
I have to pee like two liters an hour. Dang this IV. But I can't hardly move, no way in HEAK am I peeing in a bucket. Help me to the bathroom or I'll go myself. So I go myself. After the third time the nurses let me so whatever I wanted. They knew they had no say.
After many hours of pain at 2 and ice I get told if I can keep down food I can go. So i get some rice crisps with crap milk that is chunky. I say screw this I'm going out for real food. I haven't eaten in days.
Now I'm on the mend and doing well enough.
There's more to the adventure but here is the short of it.

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