November 10, 2013

Pet Peeves

There is a long list but here we go.

Jeggings: I mean What the Z are we talking about. In my world wearing saran wrap is not in the Norm of social protocol. It is the color of jeans, it has the top stitching that jeans have. But for all intensive purposes these are plastic wrap that are excused as pants. Do the world a favor and just get rid of them.

crappy earphones: You know that guy that is sitting five seats away from you who is listening to the new crappy pop song that came out last week. You have memorized the song, not by choice but by accidental social occasions. And here we are, humming that tune in our head, even though the kid down five isles is listening to the song in his ear buds. Chances are that his volume is only up half way, but these crappy earphones just plain simple are not suited for individual listening.

Freshmen: need I say more?

and when someone stands in the middle of the walkway.. and just stands their. like crap clogging a pipe. 

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