November 10, 2013


So I do not believe that anyone in the world can actually say that they have 500 friends, they can have more that 500 acquaintances, but friends? No.

So here we have a social problem. The social networking media and etc. Jimmy Kimmel is right. Why have so much "friend fat". It is too much to deal with. Why do you want to know what 500 or more of your closest acquaintances eat, sleep, say, think, breath, watch. There is not enough room for you in your head, why so many other's useless crap. And chances are, these social media drones are probably as bright as a door nob.

I just have to say I routinely go through and make sure that the friends I have on facebook are people that I could probably stand have say something to me again. In some far away future. So all those still freinds with me on facebook, consider it an honor. The rest, go find real friends.
I refuse to be "friends" with "frienamies" "frienditutes" or people with more that 1,000 "friends".

So I am now down 36 "friends" and I still have more "friends" than many of my "friends". Sad.

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