November 10, 2013

The Big Bang Theory

I found this show on the plane actually. I can never sleep on the plane. Well, I Love this show, absolutely love it. Now, I am by no means smart in any sort of the intellectually inclined term, but I do identify with Sheldon a bit. Mostly in the introverted comments or lack of social protocol that he emanates.
So, I was thinking why nerd-geniuses stereotypically like sci-fi and fantasy genre, and how this may be out of character from the realist that nerd-geniuses are. Well, it is not necessarily because it is realistic, it is the fact that there are rules. Everything has a rule, a law that it must follow to exist. Most sci-fi or fantasy creates their own laws or principles in which their terms exist. This creates a reality that is understandable. But because it is creative in work it is also open for interpretations, ergo (lol) the debates and discussions and all the fun in reality. Each person allowed their own reality that is feasible because it follows its own laws and principles.

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